Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Mysterious moon, garden bouquet July 2018

There have been so many beautiful sunsets to view from here - too many to photo. them all yet again. This time the night brought a very mysterious-looking moon. It was extra bright but kept hiding behind the night clouds and bathing the garden threes and shrubs in an eerie light.

It's nice to find one can get a decent bouquet of flowers from one's own garden.
Here are Climbing Rose, Montebretia and Bay leaves.

Warm and dry weather goes on on d one.
Watered the raised beds with bath water this morning again. I get the impression that my plants are being better looked after than usual due to the attention to watering with pre-used water. Tough on farmers though.
Not sure how long it will last.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Bee rescue

I found a bee inside the house on the windowsill not moving, wings down and not responding to my touch at all.
It's been very dry and hot and I thought it was dehydrated and short of sugar.
I made a syrup with aa teaspoon of sugar in a teaspoon of water.
I encouraged it onto the spoon but it seemed too weak so I spilt some of the liquid on the counter and let it perhaps have a drink.
Although it is said they don't like getting their feet wet, this seemed to revive it and eventually it seemed to start drinking and moving about.
There aren't great photos - I was too busy taking care of the bee to bother with getting good phots - but I don't want to forget the episode either.

Off it flew.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Hot July 2018

Tuesday last (July 910th) we treated ourselves to a trip to Kinvara.
We had several trips to this port on Galway Bay before, with dogs as usual and I think some photos still there on my sister blog, DroimAnUan.
We have usually been there during fairly cool weather - which doesn't bother us but this time the sun was out in force.
The blues of the Skys and seas were very striking indeed and it reminded me more of a port in southern France.
 This time went on th Flaggy Shore (, new to us and we loved it too.

On the way, we saw the limstone rising ahead of us

The beach itself was stoney but with a sandy edge.

We'll be back for sure!!