Thursday, August 30, 2018

Autumnal fruits appearing

FIELD MUSHROOMS  collected from the lower pasture

ELDERBERRIES the birds have gorged on them

APPLES GALORE  and pears, 'though these are not as ripe yet
Again the birds have been devouring them - followed by wasps who eat from the holes the birds left so better to collect the riper apples quickly

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Moat Agricultural show

Went along to Moat agricultural show to accompany another spinner, Grainne, as we spun our yarns in public. 
Taking a break, I wandered around to view the events there - I'd not been to that particular show before.
It is very important for horse events - however while there were several equine beauties about, I missed the main judging events.

I din't miss the baking competition exhibits though - oh no. They looked mouth-watering and I had to bake a cake for myself upon returning home.

Some of the delights:

The next most engaging thing for me was the Poultry exhibition.
Every shape and colour of hen, duck and turkey showed up.

Here are just a few:

GRAINNE at the wheel

Monday, August 27, 2018

Heritage week - waterways and Hill of Uisneach

A talk at Ballykenai

This was very interesting - I'll not look at the small rivers and lakes the same again.
So much life there, including very small bottom-dwellers and bigger creatures such as the Otter.

Local people have made a nice riverside area

A border Collie takes note of proceedings

Showing how a sample may be taken to test for quality

Ash trees along the banks

A VISIT TO UISNEACH  its a tour guide (Mr Moffet I thinks)

It was not as dark as this photo implies although there were lots of cloud formations

The lone Hawthorne associated with fairy myths

The dairy girls (and lad) look on

An image representing Eire

Out came the Sun

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

An Afternoon at Birr Castle

We set out that Sunday for Birr, Co. Offaly vaguely expecting to attend a Vintage festival. However when we got there, it was mid-afternoon on the last day and little of any of the event as left so we decided to visit Birr Castle grounds. We'd been there before several years ago, particularly to view the Leviathan Telescope but not recently so we were very happy to see how there have been improvement in the 'scope and the extensive grounds since our last visit.
The weather was very lovely - sunny but not too warm - and the vegetation and lake stood out nicely in the ambient light.
Of course Connie was with us - she's not allowed into the children's area but otherwise was welcome on-lead. Huddie stayed home - he was having a grump-day.

Took a few phone-photos.

I spy a Turkey across the lake

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Rath at Belvedere House

A visit to the outer grounds of Belvedere House, Mullingar Brough us to the Rath which still stands surrounded by old trees.
We love visiting this place whether just for a grassy walk or to pay into the inner grounds, have lunch or a snack there, walk the interesting grounds or visit the lake.

We've not gone up the Rath before but Connie ran up in there excited red-headed Border Collie way so we followed.
We stood on the mound surrounded by the moat and the high old threes and imagined the home that must have been there and the safe place to bring the cattle in case of attack. It does give a good view of the surround and any advances from friend or foe should be easily spotted.

Some photos:

See, I told you to go there!