Monday, January 7, 2019

X-mas through New Years 2019

 A Little Christmas 2018

Had a roast chicken dinner the weekend before Christmas as my daughter was heading for NY and would not be here on the 25th.
I've learned that such pre-christmas celebrations are way more relaxed and happy than actual feast day celebrations

I did not get a tree - well I've no young children in my life at this tie - and these things are mainly for them.

Brought in a potted Chaemyperus which has sat outside since it was little more than a seedling and smothered it in ornaments. Luckily it survived.
Several frequent-flyers also graced the house - ut Im getting more averse to the excess of tinselly things I used to put up with years ago.
Just a few things were honoured with a place on view.

I have zero religion but I love the craft work in this iconorgraphy

Sad looking little tree but in truth, it looked pretty nice when the tree lights were lit and the room lights dimmed.

Har to include one of my favourite teddy - with the hat I knitted for him

Some other things (including a reflection of my good self) in the hall.
I've had this candle for several years - my sister-in-law gave it to me - and I still haven't lit it - it's too nice.

THERE WAS QUITE A LOT OF DRY COLD WEATHER AD A LITTLE RAIN FOLLOWED BY SOME DULL DRIZZLY DAYS TOO (known as "miserable" days ), but the vegetation loved it.

Just an example:

OSMANTHUS blooming away in January


Such a beautiful morning that one!

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